Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/21/2024 - 4:30 PM
Category: Special, Legal, and Discussion Items
Type: Info/Action
Subject: 14.2 Conduct a Public Hearing on the 2024-25 proposed budget and provide an annual budget presentation.
Strategic Plan Reference:
Priorities: Resources/Materials/Equipment #1: Provide facilities, equipment, supplies and materials to enhance student learning.
Priorities: Communication #1: Seek, support, and encourage open and honest communication.
Attachment Supporting Materials 2024-25 Budget Public Hearing Notice
2024-25 Preliminary Budget Presentation
2024-25 Preliminary Budget
File Attachment:
2024-25 Budget Public Hearing Notice.pdf
2024-25 Preliminary Budget Presentation.pdf
2024-25 Preliminary Budget.pdf
Summary: OPENED AT:__________
CLOSED AT:__________

Pursuant to Education Code Section 42103, school districts shall publish a notification of dates and locations at which the public may inspect the district's proposed budget. This notification includes the date, time, and location of the public hearing on the proposed budget, and will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the district, or if there is no such newspaper, then in any newspaper of general circulation in the county. The publication of the dates and locations shall occur no earlier than 45 days prior to the final date for the hearing as specified in Education Code 42127, but not less than ten days prior to the hearing date.

The Public Hearing shall be held any day on or before July 1, and the proposed budget shall be available for public inspection at least three working days prior to the hearing date. The cost of publication shall be a legal and proper charge against the school district for which the publication is made.

The public was notified, as required at least ten days prior to the Public Hearing via Official Public Notice in the Record Gazette newspaper, and also by making available a complete copy of the proposed 2024-25 Budget for review at least three days prior to the Public Hearing at the following locations:

- Educational Support Facility
- Beaumont City Library
- Electronically at
Fiscal Impact/Source: None
Recommendation: The administration recommends the Board of Trustees of the Beaumont Unified School District conduct a Public Hearing on the 2024-25 proposed budget.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Michelle Palavido - Executive Assistant
Signed By:
Carmen Ordonez - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Sergio San Martin - Chief Business Official
Signed By:
Mays Kakish - Superintendent
Vote Results: