Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 7/23/2024 - 4:30 PM
Category: Closed Session Items
Type: Info
Subject: 5.3 Consideration of the request for readmission of expelled pupil pursuant to Education Code Sections 48916 and 35146 Student Discipline Case: #202324-07
Strategic Plan Reference:
Organizational Core Value #2: We believe all people should act with integrity, perform at exemplary levels, and should be held accountable for results.
Attachment Supporting Materials Confidential documents have been provided to the Board of Trustees under separate cover.
File Attachment:
Fiscal Impact/Source:
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Bobbi Burnett - Director of Student Services
Signed By:
Ebon Brown - Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Support Services
Signed By:
Mays Kakish - Superintendent