Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/17/2024 - 4:30 PM
Category: Annual Organizational Meeting of The Board of Trustees
Type: Action
Subject: 8.8 Approve the Certification of Signatures.
Strategic Plan Reference:
Priorities: Communication #1: Seek, support, and encourage open and honest communication.
Attachment Supporting Materials Form 3350T - Certification of Signatures
File Attachment:
Form 3350T - Certification of Signatures.pdf
Summary: The Certification of Signatures form verifies the signatures of members of the Board of Trustees and persons authorized to sign orders drawn on the funds of the District and New Employee Authorization Transmittals. In accordance with Education Code 42632, no person other than an officer or employee of the District can be authorized to sign orders. In addition, only authorized personnel as indicated on the form may sign Warrant Orders, Orders for Salary Payment, and New Employee Authorization Transmittals, or be issued security codes in Galaxy for such approvals. The administration recommends that the Certification of Signatures form reflect the changes in Board organization, and include the following authorized agents of the Beaumont Unified School District: Mays Kakish, Superintendent, Mr. Sergio San Martin, Chief Business Official, Dr. Ebon Brown, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Support Services, Mrs. Jennifer Castillo, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Mrs. Domenica Bernauer, Director of Human Resources, and Mrs. Carmen Ordonez, Director of Fiscal Services.
Fiscal Impact/Source:
Recommendation: The administration recommends that Board of Trustees of the Beaumont Unified School District approve the Certification of Signatures.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Mays Kakish - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Susie Lara Moved, Member Jeff Brown seconded to approve the Original motion 'The administration recommends that Board of Trustees of the Beaumont Unified School District approve the Certification of Signatures.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 6 - 0
Susie Lara     Yes
David Sanchez     Yes
Melissa Williamson     Yes
Jeff Brown     Yes
Kate Landeros     Yes
Lanston Sylvester     Yes